Renewals on Specialty License Plates in Texas

The Texas DMV does not issue refunds on specialty plates because each specialty plate is custom-made. Refunds on Specialty License Plates in Texas The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) partners with to create the personalized plates, you can go on that website to pick what organization you want to support, what plates you want, and whether you want a random or personalized number and letter combination. Specialty plates are a great way to personalize your car, support an organization or cause, or show your membership in a group. It is recommended to replace your plates every seven years as readability decreases over time making it more difficult for law enforcement to accurately see the letters and numbers on your license plate.

When you register your car in Texas you will be issued a set of license plates by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the plates that are issued after July 2012 are known as “The Texas Classic”. There are multiple types of license plates in Texas, from general issues to specialty plates that allow you to support causes or organizations.