Use the Face Key > Muscle Panel to properly drive the eyeball motions.The Look at function won’t work for face-only Live Link connection because there is no control over the head bone - the entire body will need to be Live Linked instead.“Mouth Close” works only when applying Jaw Open (Default & ExPlus profiles).UE does not support negative values for facial expression sliders:.Using CC3+ characters with ExPlus as the dummy characters is recommended.

Step 2: Create a new UE project: Step 3: Import a MetaHuman with Quixel Bridge to the UE project: Step 4: Make sure RigLogic Plugin and iClone Unreal Live Link are Enabled: Step 5: Copy and paste the iClone and MetaHumans folder from iClone MetaHuman Live Link Kit_UE4.26\Content to the " Content" folder in UE directly.(See the below picture to know how to find the folder in UE, in this case the path is: Unreal Projects\Tutorial\Content)

*If you are iClone Unreal Live Link trial users since July 1st, 2021, you can download the kit via the follow-up email.